This past week, there have been several developments that can severely effect some of my Veterinary Clients. It involves data mining the information of their clients. Now, in my position, I chose to inform my clients of this development and make sure they are fully aware of the potential for misuse and security issues. Not a super big deal as far as my work is involved but this can be a huge thing for my clients who are depending on me to ensure that they are doing everything right when online and protecting their clients and their information. Now, at the same time, I was talking with a few potential clients that I would love to assist, but because of my morals I felt that I must inform them of this new development just like I did with my existing clients. Because of my honesty, one of these potential clients decided that they could handle the changes they wanted to make in house. I totally support them in their decision, and feel like they made the best decision for their business and hope they keep me in mind if they run into a problem down the road. Now, I have two ways of viewing this chain of events. I can be upset that my own honesty with the situation is what prompted them to look in house for a solution for their business or I can be honored that I stood by my principals and made sure I assisted this client in the best way possible for their business.
I am choosing to ensure that my principals and honesty are still the first thing I think about when conducting business. If I cannot be sure that I am doing what is best for my clients, then what good am I to them? If your online presence specialist is not someone who you know will tell you the truth despite the potential loss of money, are they truly working to ensure your business is a success?